I want You to be the center of this blog. Let Your words be my words. Speak to the needs of anyone who happens to come across it. I pray for my future readers, that they might grab some tiny blessing out of my posts to help them through their day.
I call out to You today not expecting anything out of myself, but hopeful, choosing to believe in Your promise that You will be seen more strongly through my weaknesses than out of my strengths. Today, I don’t feel like I can do this. But I’m going to take that step of faith anyway, so I pray that You will bless it, if it is Your Will.
Help me stay open to ideas. Help me be open to criticism, too. Knock me down if I get prideful. Send people to correct me if I speak anything but truth.
Be with me on this journey. I want to learn more about You through this process. Give me confidence in myself, in how You made me, in the unique messages You have given me to say. Help me grow in You. I want more of You. I pray that my readers would be as hungry and thirsty as I am, and that You would meet them here, too.
Help me encourage other young women like myself, women who are insecure, who feel like a character in someone else’s story. Help me show them that they are beautiful. Help me show them that You love them. And help me show them that they are each the heroine of their own Great Adventure.
Help me show them (and learn for myself!) that finding a husband is not the most important (or best) thing that will ever happen to them. No matter what our culture has led us to believe.
Help me encourage young men, too, as they seek You on their own journeys. Help me be open and transparent, so they may get a glimpse into one woman’s heart and soul. But also, guide me and help me to watch my words, so that I only share as much as You want me to.
I give this blog to You. Let it be Yours, not mine.
In Jesus’ Name,
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